"Exceptional coach with an eye for detail delivered in a calm and safe environment!" (2024) Mark (Parent of Junior League swimmer)
"I would fully recommend Skills4Podium Master Classes and 1:1 Coaching with Paul Remmonds. Both my daughters have found Paul to be polite, courteous, attentive and focused, showing expertise and knowledge in his coaching. Skills4Podium is the best choice for anyone seeking a more in-depth look at their swimming technique to develop their swimming efficiency." (2024) Jo (Parent of Age Group and National swimmers, Powys)
"Paul’s technical knowledge is excellent and he is able to communicate this very clearly so young swimmers can really understand how they can improve their technique. We were amazed how one session with Paul transformed our daughter’s starts and turns." (2024) Jackie (Parent of National swimmer)
"This coach gives you all the tools you need to deliver results whatever your age." (2024) Agnieska (Parent of Age Group swimmer)
"My son has been to a few Skills4Podium master classes and identified things to work on. He now has 1:1 coaching sessions and is finding this really developing his stroke. Each session he comes away very happy with Paul’s support." (2024 Chris (Parent of Age Group swimmer)
"I can't recommend Skills4Podium highly enough. My daughter gained so much in terms of stroke correction, learning new drills, practicing and improving on her starts and turns." (2018) Zowie (Parent of County swimmer)
“Whether you are a swimmer or coach looking to improve your technique, develop new skills, learn key principles of training or become a better racer, Paul can cater for you.
While acting as Assistant Coach to Paul at Richmond Dales Swimming Club I was fortunate enough to learn from his wealth of competitive swimming experience and coaching knowledge. The meticulous approach to skill development and specificity of his training programmes enables Paul to make an impact from day one. His attention to detail as well as having the ability to apply scientific principles into the pool environment is something which I believe sets Paul apart from any other coach I have previously worked with.
As a swimmer you could always expect to receive a full explanation for the session, with targets and split times provided for each individual based on regular performance testing. Additionally, as a coach Paul will help guide you through the rational for the session and also highlight what to spot in a swimmers technique in order to improve their stroke.
Paul is one of the most effective and knowledgeable coaches I have had the pleasure of working with.” (May 2016) George Robinson (Performance Nutrition Consultant at Northumbria University and Former Triathlon Coach at Sheffield Hallam University)
"I have known and worked with Paul for over 10 years. Firstly in the capacity of providing nutritional support to his swimmers, and then acting as academic supervisor to the university students, with Paul acting as a placement supervisor for them.
It was great and very impressive to see how Paul ran his swimming club. He has a great eye for attention to detail ensuring the swimmers needs are always met, he sets a high standard of professionalism, and always puts the swimmers first. Paul and I discussed various areas in which the university could support his swimmers and it was obvious Paul had a clear vision. We set up four placements in total over the years with placements in the key disciplines of nutrition, strength and condition, sports psychology and biomechanics. Due to the knowledge I had in how Paul operated his swimming club it was great to be able to get our student to work and learn from Paul. To be able to interact with a top level coach in an elite environment and culture, but also to see how he used his knowledge of sport science to improve his swimmers.
It was also great to hear of all Pauls success stories of how his swimmers are competing at a national and international level, and I would like to wish him the best of luck with his future endeavours, and know he will continue to be successful with all the swimmers he works with!" (June 2016) Andrew Hulton BSc MSc PhD (Lecturer in Sports Nutrition & Science and Football, Liverpool John Moores University)
"Paul guarantees impeccable professionalism towards the service he provides. Overseeing my own progress as an athlete with great attention and precision to detail, care and quality. Guiding my ascension, from a county to international standard athlete which wouldn't be remotely possible without his support." (May 2016) Tom Nelson (Wirral Metro Swimming Club) Great Britain Representative at World and European Junior Open Water Swimming Championships (2014)
“My daughter, Freya Anderson swam under Paul Remmonds as her performance coach at Wirral Metro from the age 12 to 14. Paul is 100% professional and fully committed to bringing on his swimmers – and he expects this high standard to be reflected back to him. My daughter learnt a lot about commitment and having high standards when training and racing under Paul which has served her extremely well subsequently. Paul earned the respect of my daughter and she was keen to swim well to impress him. She learnt a lot about race planning, objectives and goal setting which helped her when she was subsequently selected for the England Talent programme and swam in Italy recently.
During her time with Paul my daughter experienced a few ups and downs as age group swimmers often do – but talking to Paul and planning out her future helped her focus on what she wanted and he encouraged her to believe that if she put in the work it would bring results – Freya then went on to achieve 7 national times and was awarded National Champion in 4 events in 2015 with Paul as her coach.
Freya is grateful that Paul helped her on the right track when she needed it – and was thrilled recently to be selected for the GB team to swim in Hungary in the European Junior Championships.” (May 2016) Helen Anderson (Parent of Freya Anderson, Wirral Metro Swimming Club)
“As an influential performance coach for Wirral Metro, Paul Remmonds has produced some of the most interesting and innovative techniques I have ever witnessed for coaching and developing age group and youth swimmers. Paul transformed Wirral Metro’s athlete performance programme culminating in 5 consecutive most improved club award at Cheshire Counties, and 2nd overall at the National Age Group Championships. His methods will cause athletes to look forward to their swim session, his methods stress skill mastery, they have signaled individual performances enabling Wirral Metro athletes to achieve National and International representation whilst also attaining success in medalling at National Championships.” (May 2016) Martyn Robinson (Aquatic Development Manager Wirral Council)
"The level of professionalism that Paul brings is second to none. With his high attention to both stroke technique and fitness, his sessions are extremely well planned and thought out, offering a complete package to performance swimming.
In my experience Paul's expertise really helped me to develop when it came to performance and knowledge of swimming. Paul showed me that it's not just about doing the sessions, it's about knowing why you are doing everything in the session, and focusing on these aspects to improve yourself even further.
Paul coached me for many years and every single session he gave me had a real purpose. His sessions are always interesting too, even the high volume sets. They were written in a way that kept you engaged and focused on what was needed.
Paul's racing expertise is unparalleled . He has taught me all I know about race tactics and strategies which fully prepared me for racing at high level events. I've never received as much useful feedback from racing from any other coach, and I'm certain that there are very few that could match his constructive critic." (June 2016) Will Harding (Wirral Metro Swimming Club) National Youth Medalist